MVCDS连接 is an online platform that brings 莫米山谷乡村走读学校's alumni together for easy 搜索ing and connecting. It allows you to post jobs and internships and offer your support to the community if you are willing to help/mentor others.
- Advance your career and professional interests with help from other alumni
- Advise and mentor others in the Maumee Valley community
- Expand your professional network (beyond just your class!)
- 与MV校友保持联系
已经有个人资料了? 搬家或开始一份新工作? Be sure to update your MVCDS连接 profile. It is quick and easy, especially if your profile is connected to LinkedIn, Facebook, or Google.
没有要更新的配置文件? 今天加入200多名校友! Download the Graduway Community app to connect to MVCDS连接 at iTunes/App Store or Google Play.